The HappyMums Second Consortium Meeting
The HappyMums Second Consortium meeting took place on June 27th-29th at the premises of the University of Milan, which is the Coordinator’s Institute. This meeting allowed the consortium to catch up about the ongoing activities and the steps ahead. This opportunity was used to present all the work packages (WPs) and plan activities to be carried out in the next 6 months. Moreover, dedicated brainstorming and discussion sessions on specific topics (i.e. data sharing and harmonisation procedures and communication activities) were also held.
The meeting started with the Project Coordinator (A. Cattaneo, UMIL) presenting the status of the project to all the Consortium Partners. Then, each WP leader, with the collaboration of other involved researchers, presented the main advancements of his/her WP, allowing fruitful discussions, and resolving the first issues. One afternoon was dedicated to group discussions (one for the clinical and one for the preclinical activities).
The meeting ended with a recap of the addressed topics, a summary of the upcoming tasks and a review of the imminent deadlines.